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RunCore Invincible solid state drive is one of these DSS to your data to be protected from falling into the hands of your rivals. It is equipped with two buttons that provide the functionality of auto destruction of data and the drive itself.
The InVincible SSD has a green button which requires a single press to replace the entire disk with code meaningless, make your data unrecoverable. And it also has a red button who has need of a press only to physically destroy the drive - by applying to the current of the NAND flash memory of the drive to physically destroy.
The Invincible SSD offers 240 MB/s and 140 MB/s write speed reading and it is specially designed to be used by such critical areas as aerospace and military who cannot have their data leakage. Also, the reader comes with options of MLC and SLC and can withstand difficult conditions capable of operaring in a wide range of temperature.
The two sound buttons certainly fear regular users as an accidental press will get rid of all your valuable data. In any event, there is no info on pricing or availability for the time. A clip is included below showing in action.
by gadgetlite
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Original articleLabels: buttons, Invincible, physical, RunCore, self-destruction, solid, state
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