Although Apple has just raised its new 15-inch MacBook Pro models with retina display, there are still enough demand for next year a further update. With the iPhone 5 and new mini-iPad on the way next year, it is unlikely that we will see to update a more significant MacBook Pro before the end of the year.
That does not mean, however, that we see no changes from Apple in the MacBook Pro this year. Rumors are years suggests that the 15-inch retina display MacBook Pro are good through a small 13-inch iteration can connected and it could even be ready for shipping at some point in the next month.
Richard shim, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch gone on record to say that Apple is already a in production on a 13-inch MacBook Pro, resolution of 2, which normally would get screen, you pixels with 560 × 1600 pixels - instead of 1, 280 × 800, when ordering a 13-inch model in the Apple store at the moment.
Of course, it is a logical step for Apple their new retina display area to expand, but some consumers, who prefer a smaller 13-inch model may be outraged, that this is done as soon after forking out a near assets to over $2000 for a 15-inch model. If Apple pricing scheme retain their current retina display, then consumers would have to pay $1599 for the 2.5 GHz 13-inch model and $1899 for the 2.9 GHz model with retina displays.
Asked we recently, what Apple with their newly discovered $1,050 billion-assets should do after the Samsung patent case, but believe that the premium price of MacBook Pro and air range should be revised? We are in any case a new Inc. and iPhone will see very soon, but are you ready for a potential 13-inch MacBook Pro with retina display as well as?
Labels: 13-inch, expensive, MacBook, retina
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