Wii U version uncertainty threatens

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It is undoubtedly a great deal of interest on the release date of the eagerly awaited Wii U console. Nintendo has traditionally stayed their New York event on the subject of breastfeeding, but we have seen that a number of release notes, which prematurely leaked in the meantime that probably deserves a look, before the official ceremonies begin.

It was only a few days, if we were told that start on a possible November 11 date rose to $349 with a proposed bundle and three pricing options start at $249 for the Basic Console. While $249 is obviously a very cheap price indeed and one that would, however, there are no numbers at all, add more rumors in the mix.

A French trader has said that the console instead will release on 7 December and will will at €349, compared to about £276 $440, translated and as already WeGotLife price. It is highly unlikely, though, that Nintendo do not pay their Wii U more than $450 price, because no one in their right mind would this amount, so this conversion take to heart.

In contrast to other Wii U version rumors, these same French traders now accepts pre-orders for console that you find online on their website here. They may also interested to know that they take a impressive ZombiU launch title orders for that, which they have set a price of €70.

Are you online in circulation always tired from all the many dates and fees? This sent ahead, this is the Wii U launch we are talking about and it is a pretty big deal, because it is the first next gen console before the forthcoming Next Gen start efforts by Sony and Microsoft.

For our European readers what are your first thoughts at a recommended price of €350? Would you like to pay this amount, if Nintendo it on their September 13 event or not confirmed?

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