MFreeformEqualizer 6.01 Beta

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You are here: Home» Gadgets» MFreeformEqualizer 6.01 BetaMFreeformEqualizer 6.01 BetaJune 2, 2012 | Gadgets | Comments by




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Category: Melda production | More programs
Demo/EUR 30.00buy button
7.9 MB/Mac OS X 10.5 or later
Intel onlyIntel only
1st June 2012, 16: 59 UTC [view history]

The developers of MFreeformEqualizer says it can help, when all other methods of finding the right frequency response has failed.

MFreeformEqualizer is an FFT linear phase equalizer that can provide virtually any frequency response and can save you when other methods have failed.

With the help of MFreeformEqualizer, you can literally draw frequency response could you. you can fix the problematic frequencies with surgical precision, play with spectrum or even create some interesting effects.

Here are some key features of "MFreeformEqualizer":

· Freeform equalizer with range up to-64dB ...64dB edited using MeldaProduction envelope systems (MES).
· Integrated powerful spectral analyzer and Spectrogram – although the main judge should always have your ears, the plugin offers an outstanding spectral analyzer, combined with a sonogram with truly unique features such as super-resolution (which gives a higher resolution in the bass frequencies) or deharmonization (for easier analysis of the fundamental frequencies).
· M/S, a channel, up to 8 channels of surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also mono/stereo coding, separate channels and encodings, and up to 8 channels of surround sound, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games, etc.
· Extremely advanced and easy to use user interface – our products are always designed to improve workflow. You can easily change all values, fine tune each control in a variety of ways. Easy orientation in a standard GUI, textual editing and flexible visualization with almost unlimited zooming is standard in all of our plugins. In addition, our plugins is the world's first (and still only), which supports resizing and stylable GUI.
· MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map a parameter to all MIDI controller, or MIDI keyboards and control the realtime or record and automate it.
· 64-bit processing and unlimited sampling frequency, the recommended maximum is 384 kHz.
· Very fast and optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
· Global preset management and online preset swapping with a caption button that you can save your settings (shared on the computer), so you can easily access them in other songs. In addition, all plugins share your presets and automatically download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!
· Fully automatable.


· VST/VST3/AU compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
· Intel/AMD processor, SSE2 and multi-core support is recommended


· Generates noise from time to time.
· Open the site on establishment and contains a clickable region, which opens this website.

What's new in this release: [read full changelog]

· Plugin settings storage optimized for smaller size and higher speed.
· Several of the modulator and multiparameter windows can be open simultaneously.
· Added "OnOff" mode in the MIDI note controllers and increased their number.
· Standard modulation wheel for dry/wet disabled now due to problems with certain hosts, e.g. Sonar X 1.
· Vocoder, Waveshaper, Dynamics, freeform, equalizer, spectral dynamics, Rhythmizer (first 4 sequences of each type), granules (first 4 transformation) diagram can be automated (first 5 points). Note that modulation can take up a lot of CPU.
· Modified MMultiBandHarmonizer selected main color.
· To predefined directories and drives on all directory trees.
· Multiband peakmeters occupies more space for better visibility.
· Added to MIDI Note controllers.
· MMultiBandHarmonizer now reporting latency.
· LU m in integrated mode provides now the portande algorithm according to the standard as the EBU.
· Added the band expand to all multiband plugins.
· Loudness meters now highlight the-1 ... + 1 LU target re …

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