To give you the full truth about battlefield premium which had EA now confirm, have we now through to read an important message for you about the next big patch update. It will live on 4 June, on the same day of the EA E3 2012 keynote and also on the same day, if battlefield of buyer's premium in a position close to the be early play expansion.
Just like the last patch update for the game cube has a large amount of changes, which require careful examination before heading into battle on 4 June. The most important change must be initially pleased the changes on the M26 DART facility, as you heard, that DICE has finally fixed up the problem so that the annex of the rifle round instead of the shotgun fire not round.
The developer has also revealed that they seen in the game again have tweaked the amount of repression after a wave of criticism from the last patch update. On the road in the list the vehicle changes, there are a number of changes that play and the way you should significantly affect. We see a change at the F35 jets made to make them maneuverable, but another big change is that helicopter is not out, led how much damage to tanks now with missiles.
At the moment can disable a tank with a full clip of rockets and then destroy it after a quick penalty on the second. Dice naturally feels that this a bit overwhelmed, so are we advise that tanks are now always removed, after the first wave of missiles handles will have a better chance. Another significant change is made that the ECM jammers for jets and helicopters is now more effective distract incoming missiles after the sign has been activated. At the moment, can you still to be hit if you press to not sign before a lock, but hopefully this change now means that fast maneuver while the shield is active its goal will miss incoming missiles.
There is to read through a lot of improvements and optimizations, so make sure that you take some time to study the full patch notes here. As you might have expected, there are also many things, has failed the dice, fix, and we can think of several of the top of our heads. For some reason still not dice even the height of the console crashes on PS3 set, that goes in the back to Karkand maps. We stopped to count numerous times, which the same says Gulf of Oman freezes up and despite tons of feedback from you, dice still don't see it address as an issue worthy in the June 4. patch update.
You seem also the TV-missile issues on console as completely ignore. At the moment is unlock completely useless on console, as it is in the close to impossible, to check if it has been thrown. It seems to work as intended on the PC, but console it is with the current control system really meaningless. There are also times, as the rocket, TV only goes awol and you end up then come always those picky frequency screen for a few seconds, back to the game and find dead.
One other thing, it is still not resolved, nor the horns on jeeps. This is obviously a small issue compared to the jeeps have rest of the problems, but what we can see a 50/50 chance that a horn work. Most of the time have we in the jeep, which Horn not working - it is completely unreliable and particularly annoying, if it should get the attention of your teammates.
There are many positive changes in this latest patch update, but unfortunately there are still a lot of questions left in the game also. Dice can please not everyone even though we advise and it will be interesting to see what makes each of battlefield premium when it goes live on 4 June.
Let us know if you have experienced the horns, TV-rocket and crashes on B2K like we have. In addition, if other questions still in the game have omitted the dice, they share with us below also. Are you satisfied with this patch update, or not?
Labels: crashes, ignored, patch, Problems, rocket
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