The Samsung Galaxy S III was officially announced. The new specifications to a rapid reading are new chips of quad-core GHz Exynos 4 Cortex-A9 1.4, a screen Super AMOLED of 4.8 inches with a resolution of 720 x 1280 (306ppi), a rear camera 8MP with full HD (1080p) video recording, a 1. 9MP front face camera with video recording HD 720 p and more after the jump.
The Samsung Galasy S3 packs also 1 GB of RAM, is available in models with 16 GB, 32 GB or 64 GB of storage on board; with each support microSD card up to 64 GB. There are models for LTE connectivity for some countries while in the United Kingdom gets only the hdpa + model.
Also, the combined Pack 7 sensors accelerometer, RGB light, proximity sensor, gryoscope, NFC, and barometer. Combined measures 136.6 x 70.6 x 8.6 mm across, weighs 133 grams and is given to a battery of more than 2,100 mAH - the first of its kind among Samsung smartphones.
As the title says Android 4.0 tweaks, there are in fact about 8 of them:
Intelligent suspension uses the camera before to ensure that your eyes are focused on the phone and alerts you by phone of dimming screen if they are not.Direct telephone - a function that automatically calls a contact that you have the details of the message or open any contact with the phone to your ear, with sensors.Smart alert will make the phone vibrates and flashes a LED, when you have a missed call.S-voice seems to be a copycat of Siri Apple allowing you to investigate the command of weather and the voice on the phone to perform certain tasks such as the photo taken, control the music and phone locking.Social tag is based on facial recognition with friends in your photo gallery to your Facebook and Google accounts.Couples s beam with your S3 via NFC and shares photos, videos and WiFi.AllShare Cast mirrors more whatever your S3 for a tablet, computer laptop or TV via WiFi and your S3 can be a controller game for play on all the mentioned.Game popUp appears a small thumbnail of video and allows you to continue to watch all at the same time to do other functions such as web browsing on your S3.
While the Galaxy S2, S3′s display is 22% greater, the 8.6 mm thick is slightly thicker than the mm S2 8.49 but of course S3 is powered by a processor chip much more powerful. The head over Gizmodo for more details and images.
Labels: android, announced, camera, chips, diaplay, Galaxy, hearts, inches, Samsung, tweaks
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