Samsung announces ChromeBox computers and ChromeBook series 5 550 portable

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OS based on the Web, Google Chrome-powered laptop from Samsung have been announced in the United States, in the forms of ChromeBox and ChromeBook series 5 550. The operating system based on the web, just need to use the Google Chrome browser to use various applications on the web. It is advisable to have the RAM of these laptops to chromium upgraded to 4 GB especially you are a person who likes the opening of several tabs on the chromium browser for navigation.

ChromeBook Samsung series 5 550 laptop is based on Intel Celeron processors should be fine for most of the pages of text. But web applications are available in a wide range, including 2D as CastleVille of Zynga Games, which can use a lot of resources - about 25% of the CPU resources of an Intel 6 - Core i7 3960X 3 3-3, 9 GHz processor.

Since the two laptops are intended for the web, they have very little internal storage as web applications will have your data stored on the cloud. The advantage is that you get access to the same data from anywhere on any device. But the disadvantage is that you must always an Internet connection - and a faster is better to not feel "laggy" while accessing your data in the cloud. More info is on the official pages of the Chrome series 5 and ChromeBox.

by ubergizmo

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