Satechi Divoom iBase Dock Station pour iPhone, iPad et iPod

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If you are not satisfied with the audio output of your devices iOS, here is a dock station that promises to improve the audio quality of your iOS devices. The Satechi Divoom iBase Dock Station was announced for his availability for the iPhone, the iPad and the iPod Touch.

The Dock Station Divoom iBase comes in a compact form to put on your iOS while devices on the go. Wharf just your device iOS on it, it will offer its superb, distortion-free, clear crystal.

Packs Divoom iBase station four range dynamic neodymium drivers produce audio quality. It weighs a mere 20.6 oz. (about 584 grams), the congestion that is perfect for your blasting music and recharge your iOS devoice while on the go.

The wharf guarantees your iOS device securely and firmly anchored on it and it also allows you to connect to other sources of music via making headphone 3.5 mm. It is now available on Amazon for $45.

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