Battlefield 3 official servers fix is hope

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Whether you believe it or not, it looks like cube finally has answered some of your long requested prayers. After the disappointment of this month premium content, we are pleased to report that the developers are now ready, a healthy number of official servers again in the multiplayer mode.

If you have the game on Xbox 360 or PS3, you know that a massive problem in recent months, with official servers in a variety of user-defined servers under their own settings and effectively the official who has been transformed from the game eliminate this.

Dice had insisted that it was still possible to find official servers in the game, but the community felt otherwise. Right now, the only server on the console see are the custom ones, but it seems, have given DICE and EA in the print, and have decided, some official server again to bring into play.

According to the battlefield blog changes were implemented so it is a good idea to head into game and see whether you can get now official servers in the server filter by form on the ground. DICE has said that they 'have quadrupled the amount of the official servers in the Xbox 360 and PS3 version of the game', so you should find available now at least four servers.

You must still be careful when jumping in a quick game, since it is very likely that you are in a parent user-defined server despite the changes. No longer need to put up with being kicked from a server now for ' also to be good ', while those of you who want to only vanilla map rotation and ticket numbers should the change also thrilled.

There are a lot of problems with battlefield 3 still not completed, but we hope that this positive action by DICE the first of others to come will be. If you are not a fan of custom console server, leave us your opinion on cube 'Quadruple' official server support.

What updates you want to see further more important?

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