Following the large HP Vita 1.80 firmware update, which should have you now all we discovered once again a few extra hidden features, the Sony not on their official update notes mentioned.
It is no secret, the Sony has, an attempt is made, that growing Vita underground scene found, shut down, in which some users still have a way to access homebrew content and not approved applications on the device. It was only a few months, when we told you that Sony's own PlayStation Mobile SDK open and allows playback of exciting titles like left 4 dead, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid and even a Game Boy Advance emulator runs Super Mario Bros 3 modified was been cracked.
Sony has probably seen, and decided that it launch time, security once again after the start. Still pursued by the metropolis of piracy on the original PSP, Sony now made a change in the firmware 1.80 has to limit the use of memory cards and a further dispute to make player when you switch the cards to update.
From now on a PlayStation Network account will be locked on a card, and if you want to change accounts, need to do a full format. To point out this was not the case before the update as you your PlayStation Network account on the same memory card by restoring factory settings could - change the we that thought bad enough as it is.
The most important point was that would restore the factory settings still keep all your stored information and games on the homescreen and not in the format required. Sony will change this essentially the move for you either force format your memory card change account or one to buy another memory card to the solution of the problem.
PSN accounts change is like on the PlayStation 3, a good way to ensure that you intended your share of content updates at the same time as everyone else, for those times when Sony, to European owner in the face, by just the first decides latest content on the US store.
Use the same tactics on Vita has now much more effort with the 1.80 update become, but if you already a second card set up, with a different region account, you will not be affected. More enjoyable to write, we have to tell a positive "hidden feature", that Sony does not also on the Vita system notes or mentioned on the blog.
In addition to the ps1 classic support and options, you use the buttons to the homescreen taxes, Sony has an additional feature touch screen commands typing, if your PSP can play games on the Vita. Above provided by PSNStores displays a screenshot, how this junk Monster works to pixels and it will be very handy when the mapping of a new touch screen command to the Vita second thumbstick that obviously was not available on the PSP.
What are your thoughts on Sony's decision that further restrict memory cards? Are you hope that they change more than one account in the future return to the PS3 method, or you think Sony plan, all necessary measures for the prevention of piracy at the level of the events on PSP?
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