Black OPS 2 Nuketown zombies could be awesome

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It is fair to say that Treyarch their upcoming zombie expansion in black OPS 2 has kept a closely guarded secret. After recent unveiled for multiplayer selling, we have to finally a new piece of zombie information your juices flowing.

Treyarch has posted the mother of all zombie teaser on their Facebook page reveals that the popular to be strongly marked Nuketown card inside the new Zombie mode. Whether this a direct trick to player to black OPS 2 that Nuketown remains 2025 get multiplayer pre-order card to be seen, but it will open some exciting opportunities for zombie mode.

Usually clears Treyarch new Zombie maps for us whenever map packs version and it's gamer to explore and discover every single nook and cranny of the map with their friends. This is part of the beauty of the zombie mode, but Treyarch has once again shown us, that they don't be afraid to mix it up to something new to offer.

It is now very likely that the player can to rethink Nuketown and play through the same card which has now been invested with zombies. We hope that you will from the two most important houses in the map the surface and discover some new areas under surface that contain all new information that can continue from the interesting storyline of zombie.

Imagine you before there is a huge Research Institute city and links back to storylines in the first black ops game built under zombie seen. It is a brilliant idea, zombies in an existing mapping, each already, but maybe a little sly knows if Activision it only to those accessible, that the game pre-order.

Your first thoughts on zombies on Nuketown play what are? Will you be angry if you order it before the game to play, or they planned to do so already for the multiplayer map Nuketown by 2025?

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