Final Fantasy dimension missing HP Vita opportunity

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If you are to play a new RPG game, you will know that there come a new final fantasy game published by Square Enix. The editors are final fantasy dimensions share, but we are a little disappointed that this only for mobile coming out to hear.

When you consider that the HP Vita is pretty right now starved for title game, Vita owners buy and appreciate would be that a perfect fit and only the PS 'Mini' style before such as the Final Fantasy X HD remake and Phantasy Star Online 2 could arrive.

But Square Enix play with a global release date of August of 31 on iOS and Android announced instead only platforms. The game will be developed by a matrix software and is based on a number of episodes. The game is already included in Japan at the moment and a few screenshots here should bring back many memories for those of you that have played Final Fantasy IV.

Elixir is very similar to dimensions and in any case would not be out of place on the Vita search. Sony would be stupid, dimensions make part of their PlayStation not final fantasy mobile lineup on the Vita, although some of you may ask, the pricing has already been released for the game.

Square-Enix are charging £19.99 or $28,99 for the full game, although the prologue chapter is free and the first four chapters one, vary in price, with chapter the the cheapest at £1.99 or $2.99. When you consider that you can get a decent RPG-update on Android and iOS for less than $28,99, some of you may want not cough up full price for it.

But even prolog is free, so you check the game, should if there is at the end of the week. Do you agree that Square-Enix it has missed an opportunity, for sale to HP Vita? If she wanted not the effort for a full retail version, she could have used at least the game on the PS store for purchasing online.

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