iHelpPlus - a new safety device for iPhone users

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Your iPhone can be life condition of have a useful iPhone application called the iHelpPlus. The iHelpPlus is the first application of iHelpPlusApp.com, to provide a new way to ensure your safety, regardless of where you are.

The iHelpPlus app offers customizable alarms, integrated flashlight, GPS tracking to identify your position correct and much more. The adventurous geeks should find the app useful iHelpPlus while they are exploring nature.

Of course, there are many usefulnesses who whether in life, as moments when walk you to your car, leaving a late-night class, for a race or travel.

The application allows the user to define a second 1-5 County down alarm or create an alert for any activity.

The app alarm will send a distress message with your exact location to a pre-selected emergency contact and notify the police to help when it is triggered. The app also offers options for ranger 4 quick contacts accessible at the push of button. And it also allows you to store medical information custom such as allergies, medications, special needs etc.

Concerned for your own safety when you are always at night or alone? Get now the app iHelpPlus app store by Apple for $0.99

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