Nikon intros first Android-powered camera - S800c

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Nikon has added three new models of point and shoot cameras in its Coolpix range and one of them is the Nikon S800c - the first camera running Android as the operating system. The Nikon S800c offers Nikon imaging features, built-in GPS and Wi - Fi connectivity.

Apparently, the Nikon S800c is best for those who want to take pictures and share them on different social networks or photo sharing sites as soon as possible. The camera itself has a 16MP sensor, a 10 X (25-250 mm) zoom lens and offers video recording full HD and 8 frames per second shooting.

It is equipped with a 3.5-inch touch screen and runs Android 2.3, giving you full access to the Google game store. Since it runs Android, it should leave it to to download you some apps Google's Android game store as some photo editing applications. Or perhaps you could use to snap photos and share them on Instagram directly using Instagram for Android.

You hit the shelves in September for $350 and available in black and white.

by intomobile

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