International Galaxy S3 jelly bean update priority

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Last week we informed you 4.1 jelly bean ROM, which had early become available for rooted Samsung Galaxy S3 owners about a leaked Android. Now we have some new details on the real thing, as we hear is could happen an official update next week.

Before you get all excited, even though this information concerns those who have only the International Samsung Galaxy S3, not the 4 4 g LTE version in the U.S. source via Android Central have claimed that the update for the international model in its final stages of testing and introduction to European countries choose to Samsung mobile unpacked event will begin on August 29.

Countries specifically mentioned include the UK, but we recommend that the update also in Scandinavia, France and Germany will be available. It would be a logical timetable for the update if that's true, because Samsung has always said that her priority to update of the Galaxy S3 jelly bean, was so what better time than would be on their upcoming showcase at the IFA in Germany?

Event is expected to give the world a first look on the Galaxy rated 2 and consumers will be hoping that executes this device on jelly bean as well as rumors suggested that it can only with ice cream sandwich ship. Back to the Galaxy S3 you have to say but that this more like it from Samsung on the speed in loading software updates for consumers so shortly after release.

The company had criticized in the past for being so slowly been but we hope that this update for the International Galaxy S3 is an indication, that the 4 4 g LTE version is an update anyway. If you have the international model, let us know if you are satisfied with your update priority across the United States.

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