We have some important news for those of you with premium access to battlefield of 3 DICE has the content, that content drop players receive as part of this month, but may be disappointed to hear, just announced that no exclusive in-game items to unlock.
Last month had some new tasks work compared to where some new weapon unlocks Camós for certain weapons. But this time there are no in-game unlocked and you feel somewhat hard done by in the bonus content.
However is not sent ahead, the offered content exactly terrible. Cube give the chance to see kill some brand new exclusive footage from the upcoming expansion of armored premium owners. The video will life on August 29 and you can find it in the section video on Battlelog, when the date arrives.
Last month, we had one bonus game tips users a detailed glimpse of how master close gave quarters and dice this time is releasing some 'exclusive' concept art that say dice never have shown to the public. The art booklet be in electronic form as the Guide, so you will save it to your computer and store for future viewing.
Last but not least, there are two premium events that take place before the end of the month. The first is a standard double XP event this weekend begins, while the second will allow you, your 'best map' idea dice for a chance of a signed limited edition of battlefield 3-lithograph pitch.
The double XP weekend is a little different than other times but how you can extend the duration of the event by the following page on Facebook please. -That's it for the August content how you feel with this month drop as a Premium Member? Would look like more assignments and more Camós unlock in the game?
It feels like a tame update, but we guess that DICE above kill for it in early access to armored arrive at the beginning of next month. Show the full updates here.
Labels: August, content, premium, shares
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