iPhone 5 event 4S has 8 GB, as well as

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It seems that the introduction of the iPhone 5 on Apple's upcoming event on the future of the much-beloved, but clearly old iPhone 3GS handset will have major impact. Rumors are years suggests that the 3GS Apple completely departing drop is the iPhone 4 to its lowest platform.

IPhone 3GS he sits at the time at the bottom of Apple's iPhone selections, for nothing, if you record a new contract with a compatible vehicle. It is perhaps not surprising, the debut of the iPhone may spell end of the 3GS for good 5 and its exciting features, with Apple to decide to delete the iPhone 4 on the lower level, but at the same time a new iPhone 4S with option memory 8 GB to balance things out.

At the moment, consumers are able to a 8 to buy GB version of the iPhone 4, but could be after Apple event on September 12 for now we see available free of charge on selected contracts according to a report the "Telegraph". Do, so a move would also mean that more airlines have access to the iPhone thanks to its several frequencies, which supports only GSM networks when compared to the iPhone 3GS.

An 8 GB iPhone 4S can also be the perfect option for those consumers, who are looking for a cheap iPhone, but is not interested in the brand new iPhone to buy 5 features, which of course a lot of money, which costs just at the start. IPhone 4S is the cheapest now on the website of Apple 16 GB option for $299 on AT & T, Verizon and Sprint - would you be happy to see a new 8 GB model for $100 on contract, if Apple remain the same price structure?

You will be sad to see go the iPhone 3GS? It is certainly his days are numbered, as soon as Apple's iPhone 5 event over.

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