Improved Samsung Galaxy S3 gets Canadian preference

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Several European consumers may have already succeeded, their hands on the Flash new Samsung Galaxy S get III, but is it a stretched for consumers in the United States wait to find out when the device will officially go on sale.

Enhanced Samsung Galaxy S3 gets Canadian preference

About Canada but there seems no such problems and Samsung seems decided can, the Canadians, which in the United States to buy III give the Galaxy S. In a current press release of the company also confirmed that the Galaxy of S3 by four Canadian carriers i.e. There are no character should has defects available.

Virgin, Rogers, TELUS and Bell will all be stocking the device on 20 June and as an added bonus, the Canadian version of the device, also his packaging is 2 GB RAM, that same as the Japanese models, which we told you recently. Since even 4 g LTE will use the Canadian model, please unfortunately still a dual-core processor in contrast to the international quad-core model. However should the 1.5 GHz dual core Snapdragon S4 chip is not rags, by all means, and with 2 GB RAM save it you well-equipped, deal with challenging tasks that you throw on the device.

For the time being, there is on still no word when the US Galaxy S June 20 be III on the same day and us models of these 2 GB RAM upgrade and benefit. They would like so, as if we do not want, in Samsung's shoes, if she faced a flood of complaints, if there is only 1 GB RAM packs think. European shipowners complain about not really, as they still the best version with a new Exynos always are either quad-core chip.

You are surprised that it no U.S. availability, despite this Canadian press release from Samsung yet?

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