PS Vita Exploit für Kreativität, nicht Piraterie

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Apparently, there was a real breakthrough in the development of underground world of PS-Vita. Right now, it is possible to play new Vita on the basis of PSP homebrew on Sony's handheld, but a new exploit discovered indicate that user soon able, their own homebrew software with actual Vita game code - a first for the system to create.
As you can imagine, the mixed reactions about current Vita has opens claims that a direct door to piracy users and media, brought forth, with many sites. While this not exactly wrong, brought the creator of new exploit, Yifan Lu to the expression, be terrified that his homebrew exploit only blocked all attempts running actual pirated Vita games the Sony software applications on the Vita have before will be used.
The real danger here is that this does not stop, another developer of potentially go and directly trying to achieve piracy. However, Yifun told CNET in a last statement, that when he releases his tool, it "impossible" pirated Vita run games.

Instead, is his whole reasoning behind the move the reinforcement, the more functionality for a device, the he $300 for at the start - a statement that many PS paid Vita users will probably agree actually. It is no secret that was noticeably quiet on the release of new play Sony could play for users and higher hardware sales for Sony enable the result of this step alone with custom software.
It is fair to say that no one really wants full piracy would on the PS to see Vita - be a disastrous move that all third party developers away, it would make games for the system-, is not enough, as it is at the moment. But how does the option run emulators on your Vita-sound for you, there is still a bad idea?
It's early yet, but we could see a "Hello World" on the HP Vita shortly after Yifan. You contact us your opinion on this subject and if you support the use of additional creativity on the Vita of custom applications, while at the same time, measures block piracy.

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